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The Couple’s Party


Church Wedding

Saturday, January 6, 2024



Saturday, January 6, 2024


After Party

Saturday, January 6, 2024




March 2023 I was scrolling the streets of Instagram when I saw this really fine Man’s page. I wanted to see older pictures of him so I took my search to facebook, I sent a request and he accepted. There was no plan to start a conversation, I was just spying on him. On the 4th of April 2023, I got a DM from “fine Man”. We had an amazing conversation that day and till date we have never gone a day without talking to each other. Our conversations became more intense and feelings began to grow. Fast forward to November that same yearhe asked me to be his girlfriend again and I replied “let’s see how it goes”



Out of the blues I saw a request, I checked it and it was this beautiful lady. I accepted it immediately and started checking her TL. On the 4th of April 2023. I sent her a DM and we started talking. We became really close. Later in November I asked her to be my girlfriendand here we are today getting married.


Phoenix Events

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Cyril Ekiye Film




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